No more morning sickness THANK HEAVENS! Food cravings come and go as fast as I think of them sometimes. The one thing I seem to crave a lot of is a California sushi roll with a little of the green stuff, sorry forgot what its called. I have no real cravings for sweet things like I did with Lucy, in fact I have had serious cravings for roast. Not that sterling minds but we have had roast for Sunday dinners for the last couple of weeks. I cant eat fast food or it will literally make me so ill that all I want to do is curl up in bed and die. Don't get me wrong we eat out a time or two during the month but it we keep it as healthy as one can eating out. I have been cooking a lot more this pregnancy, mostly because lean cuisine or any pre-made frozen meal make me sick. I have found a lot of great recipes and some not so great. But I love that I can print any recipe off of Betty I make a menu for a week or so and then a grocery list from that and of course pull my coupons and the worst part- grocery shopping. Ah, why cant food magically appear in your kitchen when needed!??
I notice that I am as tired as I was with Lucy but sometimes notice my weeks are harder than normal if I don't get a Sunday nap. We are doing really well with our daily schedule. Sometimes it can seem like its overwhelming and I feel like I never get the one on one time I want but every night I get to cuddle with my little one as we settle in for the night. The best time of the day is when I get to cuddle with my love bug. Talking of sleep...its late (well for me it is). Goodnight!
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