Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, July 30, 2010


High chair for Lucy!

I have been looking for a high chair for weeks, trying to find just the right one with a good price. If you dont know high chairs are not cheap! I mean come on! $120 for a high chair!!! The kid is only going to mess it all up with baby food. Of course you can get a really cheap high chair at walmart but I wonder just how long will that last. Last week at work I mentioned to my co work just how expensive high chairs are when she told me that she had a sister in law who was going to try to sell hers and said that she would be willing to give it to me for free!! Score I thought!! My co worker brought it to work the next day and we loaded it into my tiny car. My first impression...WHAT A MESS!! The chair it self was in perfect working condition but looked like it had been in a food fight. I was told it had been sitting in their garage for some time. Which would explain the layers of dirt and cat hair. There was a huge spider web on the bottom and the seat cushion had bleach marks. I thought well if anything I will just give it away to someone if I can get it clean enough to use. After work I picked up Lucy and ran to the dollar store, purchased $4.25 worth of cleaning supplies and headed home. After nearly 4 hours meticulous cleaning I was finished. Pleased with how well the chair cleaned up I decided that it would stay except the cushion, that would need to be redone. I found some really adorable fabric at Joann and some vinyl covering to help protect the fabric and make it easy to clean. So another $11 and woah-laa a almost new high chair for $15!



Monday, July 26, 2010

The Zoo!

Lucy and I talked Sterling into taking the evening off from his second job so we could go to the zoo together!! It was so much fun!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

18 weeks

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

4 month update

I can’t believe my little Lu is 4 months old!! She is growing ever so fast, learning new things every day! Just this Sunday she rolled over all by herself. I left her on the play mat while I took the laundry out of the dryer and when I returned I found her rolled over and trying to look up at me like hey roll me back over. It was the cute-ist thing ever! She is constantly rolling over now but struggles to find a way to get back. It’s just a matter of time before she will be rolling circles around the house. We have started to feed Lucy baby cereal with just a little applesauce, banana, and rice cereal mix. We tried to feed her just the baby cereal and she wasn’t having it (as you can tell by the little clip we posted). But mixing it with the other baby food she seems to gobble it right up! It really helps her sleep through the night. I was feeding her around 7 or 8 pm and she would wake up at 1am hungry. But the real reason…I have been really REALLY looking forward to this experience. I love seeing her reaction to the taste of food.
The other day I was at the dollar store and ended up in the children’s book row. I got all excited when I saw the cute girly coloring books and the bright boxes full of crayola crayons. I had my arms full of coloring books and crayons when it hit me….when do children start to draw? I called my mom and was so disappointed when she told me “not for a while longer”. I thought well hopefully next summer she will be ready and we can get a bunch of coloring books, sidewalk chalk and bubbles. I also look forward to her helping me in the kitchen! I have a super cute design for an apron with Lucy’s name embroider on the top. We will be making loads of cookies, brownies and breads As you can tell I am more then excited for Lucy to grow up and do all these fun things with me but at the same time I don’t want her to grow up.
Lucy is the best part of my day. I love hearing her talk and giggle. When I walk into her room in the morning to get her up I sing to her and I just love seeing her smile from ear to ear with such excitement. I love it when I call her name she looks right at me and smiles. She is the best!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Baby food


Saturday, July 17, 2010



Thursday, July 15, 2010

17 weeks

16 weeks

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Roll Over

Watch Lucy roll over...well almost

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Update on my personal goal

July 4th has come and gone and I need to update you on my progress with my goal. I ended up taking my measurements and weight July 3rd because July 4th was a Sunday and I don't own a scale so I had to use on in the store. (I cant bring myself to own one). First let me recap on my starting stats: 6 weeks post delivery I weighed in at a whopping 165, 55 pounds heavier. My goal: to lose 55 pounds and get back into my size 4 closet!
Today (July 3rd): My weight: 148!! Yep I lost a total of 17 pounds in 11.5 weeks! I still have 18 more pounds to go but I am positive that I will be down to 130 by the end of September, first of October. Just in time for the holidays ha ha. Here are some before and after pictures.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Thursday, July 1, 2010

15 weeks

14 weeks