Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree..

Lucy was so excited to help put up the Christmas tree. She has done so well not to destroy any decorations on the tree but she has hit it a couple of times with her car. She loves to crawl up to the tree and look back at mom and dad to see if we will stop her, its so cute. There are still decorations to be put up, but with life going at mock speed- the change of daycare, job and just everyday life I'm just glad we got the tree up! I have some really cute craft project that are almost done and will hopefully post pictures soon.

Note to self...DO NOT GET CANDY FOR JARS NEXT YEAR (sadly we have almost gone through the M&MS)

Our Snow family


This is what happens when she feeds herself....

Lucy styling in her new outfit from Aunt Summer!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

First day of new daycare

She had so much fun it completely wore her out! She fell asleep on the ride home and all through the night!

Monday, December 13, 2010


I know, I know. Its been awhile since I updated my blog but we have been really busy! This year we spent Thanksgiving with my family in good ole Othello WA. The weather held up pretty good, being that the state of Utah basically shut down from the threat of a blizzard(Orem didn't even get a skiff of snow! Some blizzard!). The roads were pretty good on the way up but the trip back was a nightmare!! Thanksgiving was very relaxing, we spent thanksgiving stuffing our bellies and enjoying the comfort of being at home. With Lucy crawling keeping her out of the Christmas tree was quite the chore, luckily the family had a blast holding her. We had a early Gropp Christmas for Lucy, she loves the gifts grandma and grandpa, Uncle Tyrel & Kristian gave her. Below are some pictures of Lucy opening her gifts.

Upon getting home from Thanksgiving we have been dealing with our daycare provider. To say the least it has kept me up several nights worrying/crying and praying things would get better. After a lot of praying and Sterling doing some research when at home we ended up changing daycare providers. We took a tour last Friday and was it was confirmed that changing daycare was what we had to do.

On the lighter end of things, Lucy has taken a great interest in feeding herself. A very messy venture. She loves her graham crackers and Gerber crackers. Fresh bananas are a new addition, being that she cant stand the Gerber mashed banana mix. Its weird that she prefers one over the other, but some of that baby food out there doesn't even smell like food. I am really looking forward to feeding her more and more adult food. She has her 9 month check up this Friday along with my 20 week ultrasound. I will be posting updates on that come Friday.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Its a BOY!!!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

8 months

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Cuddle Time

I love when Lucy gets settled down enough to want to cuddle. I especially love it when she wakes up and is super cuddly. Here is a picture of mom and Lucy waking up from our Sunday nap.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Boy or Girl??

November 19th bright and early at 10am we get to find out the sex of the baby! I have placed a poll on the blog, lets see what you think we are having.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

My Lucy girl

Lucy is growing up so fast! These past months she has learned a great deal! We are teaching her to wave hello and goodbye. Its so cute, when I drop her off at daycare I wave to her as I walk to the car, she will stair at me from the window and have her hand down to the side slowly waving. Its like she sees me wave and not knowingly waves back. She has learned sit up all by her self which is really fun! She loves sitting in the highchairs when we are out eating because she can see whats going on and try to chew on the table. She is to small yet to sit in carts at the grocery store but hopefully soon she will be big enough. At her 6 month check up she weighed in at 13 pounds 10 ounces. There is a baby in our ward that is only weeks old that weighs more then she does! But the doctor gives her a clean bill of health and has since packed on some weight. I think she will be a petite girl with a high metabolism like her father.
She LOVES kids. She gets so excited when she can see kids playing, she will be a social one I can tell. Oh and the newest thing to happen are her two lower front teeth. Yep they are coming in at the same time and she is doing so well. We have only had a couple of nights where the pain really gets to her, but with a little infant Tylenol and lots of love cures the pain (well at least until the Tylenol wears off). I am really looking forward to spending the holidays with family. Hopefully by thanksgiving we will have her crawling at least a good army crawl going. So family you are forewarned! Baby proof the house now! I look forward to teaching her how to care for a baby doll, at least teach her how to hold and softly touch a baby. All in prep for baby #2. She will be such a wonderful big sister. I honestly think the Lord gave us another child so soon knowing that Lucy needs a playmate. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful, smart, easy going baby. Sometimes I feel like I am more of a baby then Lucy.
Here are some pictures taken this morning as we were getting ready for the day, as you can tell she really doesn't like the huge flower she kept trying to pull it off. The last picture was from Sunday, she feel asleep all wrapped up on my precious!

First Snow Fall!

Wednesday morning, bright and early, I woke up to Lucy talking and laughing (as every morning) waiting for me to pick her up. As I was changing her diaper I opened the blinds (Its still dark outside and never turn on the lights that early)and notice it was snowing! Its like the kid in me comes out when I see the first snow fall. So I grabbed the camera and Lucy and I took some pictures!

Baby #2 at 14 weeks

Today I had my 14 week check up with Dr. Glenn. HOORAY I am in my 2ND trimester!! All stats on mom are looking good. The only downer- I hit the 150 mark (but I blame that on the shoes, I normal take them off but my toes look so gross lately). Blood pressure is really good and overall health is perfect. The baby has a good strong heartbeat and is measuring in perfectly. November 19Th we get our first ultrasound for the gender check. So keep your phones close family, you don't want to miss this call!
No more morning sickness THANK HEAVENS! Food cravings come and go as fast as I think of them sometimes. The one thing I seem to crave a lot of is a California sushi roll with a little of the green stuff, sorry forgot what its called. I have no real cravings for sweet things like I did with Lucy, in fact I have had serious cravings for roast. Not that sterling minds but we have had roast for Sunday dinners for the last couple of weeks. I cant eat fast food or it will literally make me so ill that all I want to do is curl up in bed and die. Don't get me wrong we eat out a time or two during the month but it we keep it as healthy as one can eating out. I have been cooking a lot more this pregnancy, mostly because lean cuisine or any pre-made frozen meal make me sick. I have found a lot of great recipes and some not so great. But I love that I can print any recipe off of Betty I make a menu for a week or so and then a grocery list from that and of course pull my coupons and the worst part- grocery shopping. Ah, why cant food magically appear in your kitchen when needed!??
I notice that I am as tired as I was with Lucy but sometimes notice my weeks are harder than normal if I don't get a Sunday nap. We are doing really well with our daily schedule. Sometimes it can seem like its overwhelming and I feel like I never get the one on one time I want but every night I get to cuddle with my little one as we settle in for the night. The best time of the day is when I get to cuddle with my love bug. Talking of sleep...its late (well for me it is). Goodnight!

Monday, October 18, 2010

7 Months Old