Lucy was so excited to help put up the Christmas tree. She has done so well not to destroy any decorations on the tree but she has hit it a couple of times with her car. She loves to crawl up to the tree and look back at mom and dad to see if we will stop her, its so cute. There are still decorations to be put up, but with life going at mock speed- the change of daycare, job and just everyday life I'm just glad we got the tree up! I have some really cute craft project that are almost done and will hopefully post pictures soon. Note to self...DO NOT GET CANDY FOR JARS NEXT YEAR (sadly we have almost gone through the M&MS) Our Snow family
I know, I know. Its been awhile since I updated my blog but we have been really busy! This year we spent Thanksgiving with my family in good ole Othello WA. The weather held up pretty good, being that the state of Utah basically shut down from the threat of a blizzard(Orem didn't even get a skiff of snow! Some blizzard!). The roads were pretty good on the way up but the trip back was a nightmare!! Thanksgiving was very relaxing, we spent thanksgiving stuffing our bellies and enjoying the comfort of being at home. With Lucy crawling keeping her out of the Christmas tree was quite the chore, luckily the family had a blast holding her. We had a early Gropp Christmas for Lucy, she loves the gifts grandma and grandpa, Uncle Tyrel & Kristian gave her. Below are some pictures of Lucy opening her gifts.
Upon getting home from Thanksgiving we have been dealing with our daycare provider. To say the least it has kept me up several nights worrying/crying and praying things would get better. After a lot of praying and Sterling doing some research when at home we ended up changing daycare providers. We took a tour last Friday and was it was confirmed that changing daycare was what we had to do.
On the lighter end of things, Lucy has taken a great interest in feeding herself. A very messy venture. She loves her graham crackers and Gerber crackers. Fresh bananas are a new addition, being that she cant stand the Gerber mashed banana mix. Its weird that she prefers one over the other, but some of that baby food out there doesn't even smell like food. I am really looking forward to feeding her more and more adult food. She has her 9 month check up this Friday along with my 20 week ultrasound. I will be posting updates on that come Friday.